December 2008 Snow

Tuesday, December 16th: Snow.

The four nicest pictures. As usual, click on the pictures for larger versions.

All the pictures, in smaller versions.

Around 6:30AM, right around sunrise, the parking spot in front (to the west) of the house:

Around 7:30AM, right after sunrise. First the parking spot in front of the house to the west, the view towards the south, the play area to the east of the house, and the firewood shed and generator (on the left) at the north from the house.

Around 8:00AM, on the way to school: the house as seen from the driveway, and playing on the driveway.

The snow-covered view in the back is the Skyline Ridge, towards Las Cumbres.

The truck parked at the bottom of the driveway (seen from the driveway, thus the steep angle), and our Christmas decorations.

Linda and Ralph and John